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Introducing R.C. Farrish, GSD Factor Junior Hi, GSD Factor friends! R.C. Farrish here! This is the month. It’s my birthday! And my first book comes out and I’m so excited. GSD Factor Juniors incorporates six stories that happened to me in elementary school. I wanted to share my stories in hopes of helping others […]
Powerfully Choosing How to Define Those Recently, I had a mentoring session where we were discussing goals and deadlines. From my perspective, goals are those high-level endpoints that we want to ultimately reach. Deadlines are the milestones along the way to reaching those goals. It’s important that we keep in mind the difference between goals […]
A Short Statement of Truth or Conduct Maxim: by Webster’s definition, a maxim is a short statement that expresses a general truth or rule of conduct. When living life, these maxims are small nuggets of reminders that can pack a powerful punch. Just like stories were used to share history and pass along important lessons, […]
Rooms, Tables, and Doors, Oh My! For the last year and a half, I’ve been seeing a therapist. I’ll admit I only started going because therapy seems to be the new cool trend, and because I tend to give in to trends sometimes, I found myself with a therapist. (Thank goodness, there isn’t a cliff […]
Powerfully Choosing to Be Inquisitive Growth Mindset or being inquisitive has many synergies. Growth mindset can be defined as believing that your brain can grow and that you can try many new things even as you age. We define being inquisitive as the capacity to always be learning. Maybe we are learning what to do […]
Mobilizing to Reach a Goal The school year is coming to an end. With two tiny humans who are four years apart, the end-of-year activities and stressors are very different. For my oldest tiny human, she had to dig a little deeper this academic year. Last summer we noticed some things that had previously […]
Lessons Learned as the Marathon Continues Well, I did it. One of the hardest, most painful experiences of my life. I completed a half-marathon. I know there are a lot harder things people have to face in life, but this was big for me. I have lots of memories, both good and bad from the […]
Branding and Storytelling for Entrepreneurs Let’s talk about branding, marketing, and storytelling. Many times we start with a problem. Then we move to solutioning, which requires lots of ideas, failing fast and forward, pivots, and relaunches. Eventually, we land on a solution to the original problem – which in some cases can be an […]
Powerfully Choosing to Navigate Pivots Life pivots. We all have them. They vary in size, degree, and magnitude. How we respond to them is what sets us apart as GSDers. We know they are coming because life always has pivots since things are ever changing. We embrace them. We see them for what they are. […]
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