January 21st, 2025
We have just come out of what is typically a very busy season of doing thanks to the holidays. There is just a general uptick to do more even though our time allotment in the day is the same.
Oftentimes, people assume that because I’m the woman who gets shit done that I’m always doing and that during seasons when most are doing, that I’m joining in. In the case of this holiday season, I didn’t. I was very intentional with my time, both professionally and personally. It didn’t mean there weren’t rushes or pushes at times, but they were for short sprints. For example, I helped a client close a deal just before Christmas, so we were still getting shit done this month, which was exciting as we closed out the year. The momentum that comes from that project propels us into 2025. That was an exhilarating moment, a shot of adrenaline, and then we paused.
My intentionality started with my tiny humans being home from school for three weeks and planning out that time. I didn’t overbook them with camps and activities as I have previously done. If there was a camp they really enjoyed and expressed interest in doing, we did that one or two, but not all. We set goals of what we absolutely wanted to do and what were nice to-dos. We also scheduled down days, days where we didn’t have to be anywhere or do anything in particular. At first, this was hard for them to understand because, most of the time, we are always on the go. Remember, we are the GSD family, but having these days scheduled out and navigating things around was a great learning lesson for them, as well as for my husband and me. We wanted to demonstrate to them how we can have moments of DO but also have moments of to BE.
I often talk about there being seasons of DOing and seasons of BEing, and we have to have both seasons. Seasons of BEing allow us to rest and recharge for that next season of DOing. Being present in whichever season you are in is equally important. Whether you are in a season of DOing or BEing, be all there. Maybe the idea of seasons is a little overwhelming at the moment, so just look at it as days of DOing and days of BEing, like we did over the holidays. By starting small, you can see what works for you. Then you can start stretching that muscle and increasing that stamina, so your days will turn into seasons.
What this last holiday break taught me is that knowing when to DO the thing or not to do the thing so you can BE can have a profound impact on yourself and those around you. I was calmer; I enjoyed the smaller things, and we didn’t feel the pressure to do everything. We chose what would bring us joy, and we powerfully chose what would not. Our goal is to continue to take what we learned and applied in this holiday season and continue that into 2025.
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